Work Orders for God

We all know that God is very busy these days.  I'm creating this website to allow everyone to prioritize what needs fixing.

On this site you'll be able to tell God where He's needed.  You'll be able set up requisitions based on urgency and department.   You may choose to remain anonymous - Work Orders will not be processed based on whether you choose to share your name, email, or website.  God knows who you are.


Work Order of the Week:


This week's Work Orders:
name: hammie


website: https://hamlette2002-ivil.tripod.com/workordersforgod

priority: PEACE

department: MIRACLES

issue: For some reason, people in the Middle East keep killing each other.

name: corey


priority: PEACE

department: MIRACLES

issue: the lack of thought and careing for the fellow man.(woman, child,ect.)

name: Rose

email: shinyglass@yahoo.com

priority: PEACE

department: MIRACLES

issue: If a certain brother in law doesn't move out soon, there will be a war of biblical proportions under my once-peaceful roof!

name: Anonymous

priority: FAITH

department: REPAIRS

other: My daughter needs to change her living arrangements, to agree with God's teachings of right and wrong and insure herself a place in heaven when the time comes.

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